Tuesday, October 23, 2007

TheatreSports Celebrity Challenge VI

Come and see South Australia's leading TV and radio stars do battle with the state's best comedians and actors, all in the name of charity as the THEATRESPORTS CELEBRITY CHALLENGE returns in October. Every year the best known faces in the state throw away the autocues, dump the scripts and get up on stage to bring you riotious scenes of made up fun that will have you rolling in the aisles. The annual Theatresports Celebrity Challenge raises money for The Humour Foundation. The Foundation sends clown doctors into hospitals around Australia to cheer up and facilitate the recovery of our sick kids. "The annual Theatresports Celebrity Challenge provides valuable financial resources that allows us to go into hospitals like the Women's and Children's Hospital," said Dr Phil Betta. This year for the first time, the show welcomes on board another fine organisastion - the Wesley Mission - Working with Youth. So watch this space for more details.

Date of show : 27-10-2007
Time : 7.00pm
Location : The Goodwood Institute - 168 Goodwood Rd Goodwood
Price : $15 Adult / $10 Concession & Children

Related Links:

Event Page on FaceBook
ImproNow Website

Monday, October 22, 2007

Adelaide Flash Mob #1: Look Up!

This post is a report of how our first mob went. Check out the photos and videos, read the report and leave a comment at the bottom if you wish.

Video: Ken Kimber & Dom Legg
Photos: Tudor Taylor, Kirby Crawford, Kay Walker, Steve Thomas (so far)

Here is the email that was sent out on Friday 19 Oct 2007:

G’day Mobbers,

The time is almost upon us.

In order for our mob to be as unexpected as possible to our ‘audience,’ the specific details of the action to take place will be kept under wraps until tomorrow. This email contains instructions for you to follow to obtain those specific details, so listen in.

There are a couple of things we need to do first. Everyone needs to read these guidelines that we have created to ensure the mob works properly. If you have guests coming, you need to inform them of the guidelines also.

This mob isn’t entirely dependent on time cues, but it does help to have everyone on the same clock, so please visit this website and set your time piece to the local Australia/ Adelaide time.


General Location: Rundle Mall
Approx. duration: 6 mins

To get the rest of the details you need to come to the fountain outside of the museum on North Terrace and find a man wearing a green t-shirt, green shorts and carrying a green clip board and say: “Good morning Mr. Penguin.” He will hand you a piece of paper, you need to move away, read the instructions and follow them.

Mr. Penguin will only be at the fountain between 11:10 am and 11:40 am so you must come within those times.

It looks like its going to be great weather tomorrow, so we hope to see you all there.

Remember the most important thing is to HAVE FUN!!!

Adelaide Flash Mob

These are the instructions that mobbers received after visiting Mr. Penguin outside the museum:

Mob #1: Look Up!

Duration: 5 minutes

Location: Rundle Mall, in front of Toys R Us building, near public phones.

By 11:50, mobbers should be casually blended into the area surrounding the Toys R Us building. Browse in the shops, sit on the chairs, look through the shop windows and make sure you have a clear view of the area around the public phones.

At 11:58, be on the look out for ‘Mr Penguin.’

At 12:00, Mr Penguin will walk along the mall, stop, look up towards the top of the Toys R Us building and appear transfixed by something up there.

At the cue of Mr Penguin looking up, mobbers need to start emerging from their positions, looking up and apparently seeing what he’s looking at and congregate around him.

The congregation should take place gradually over the space of a minute- like it would naturally happen if we were really looking at something. Mobbers need to start a commotion, looking, pointing, chattering… ‘Wow,’ ‘oh my,’ ‘what is it?,’ ‘its huge,’ ‘its tiny,’ ‘fantastic,’ etc.

At 12:01, all mobbers should be congregated and continuing the commotion.

At 12:04, Mr Penguin will silently put his hand down and walk away.

Over the next minute, mobbers should silently stop pointing and go back to what they were doing before hand; browsing shops etc, before leaving the area.

By 12:05, all mobbers should have blended back into the general shopping crowd.

By 12:15, all mobbers should have left the area completely.


Before the mobbing starts, don’t be afraid to spread out. There are a number of shops that you can look in while still being able to see the phone boxes.

If anyone asks you what you are looking at, try and answer with something like: ‘I don’t know, but its big,’ ‘No idea, but its scary,’ ‘That’s what I was wondering, what do you think?’ In other words, give them anything but a real answer.

While making the commotion, try and be as energetic and sincere as possible. Hopefully we’ll be able to draw a number of people from the general public into looking up as well, trying to figure out what we’re looking at.

Keep these instructions hidden and don’t throw them into a public bin. HAVE FUN!

Video also available here

Nick aka Mr. Penguin

The day started off great as it was nice and sunny and it looked like there would be plently of people in the mall by lunch time. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous for the time leading up to this mob, so I'm quite glad that it turned out so well. I'd like to say thanks to all those who turned up, and to those who didn't, I hope you can make it to the next one. Judging by the number of instruction sets I gave out I'm estimating there was between 25-30 mobbers who took part in AFM#1: Look Up!

One thing that I personally enjoyed, which other people didn't experience, was giving out the instructions from my position on the bench, under the tree, near the fountain, outside the museum on North Terrace. The thing was that I really didn't know who was involved so I looked upon every passer by as a potential mobber. As soon as someone entered my field of vision I would sneakily look at them and try and work out if they were walking to me or just past me. I also happened to be sitting next to a bin, so there was a number of people who were simply heading over to put something in it and probably wondered why I was peering at them with a stupid grin on my face.

Memorable momments:

-When we first arrived at the fountain there was a girl sitting on one of the benches already who grinned to herself as we approached. Dom said 'I bet shes on of them,' I wasn't so sure, but low and behold she came over shortly after and collected her instructions.

-At one point a girl came and sat right next to me on the bench but didn't say anything. She was messing with her phone, it looked like she was 'pretending' to check her messages. Shortly after she said, "oh screw it, good morning Mr Penguin," so I gave her the instructions and she left.

For the mob itself I approached the designated spot from the Rundle Street end of Rundle mall and timed it so I got there alomst exactly on 12 noon. I pretended to stretch as I reached the Toys R Us building then started looking up. There was a short time while I stood there looking up, pointing and talking loudly, before anyone else got there but it felt like a lifetime. A small thought started growing in my head that perhaps I had got the time wrong and no one was coming and that I was just making a complete fool of myself, but then I heard some loud shouts and suddenly people started appearing from everywhere.

Since I was the first to arrive and leave as well as being at the front of the group, I didn't really get to see much of the mob first hand. Luckily the video and photos were great and I talked to some people to get a feel for how it all went.

Memorable moments:

-Someone shouted out "hes gonna jump," which evoked a big response from passers by.

-There was a shop keeper who happened to be giving out free samples of something right behind the mob and he loudly exclaimed, "this is great for business!"

-The cops showed up shortly after, presumably to break up the large group of people causing a commotion but of course we were long gone by then.

-A number of mobbers took out their cameras and phones to take photos of the top of the building which made it look much more authentic- nice thinking guys.

All in all it was a great mob, great fun to organise and great fun to participate in.

If you would like to be involved in future mobs by the Adelaide Flash mob then please join us, the more people we can get, the better. If you are on FaceBook you can join our group, find it by searching for 'Adelaide Flash Mob.' If you don't have FaceBook then you can join our mailing list by sending a blank email to adelflashmob (AT) hotmail (DOT) com with the words 'let me in,' in the subject line.

If you would like to contribute something to this write up then you are most welcome. It would be great to see the event through someone else's eyes. You can leave it in the comments section below or email to us on the address above.

See you at the next mob!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Please Follow These Guidelines

We've put together the following guidelines for people to follow to make our mobs as enjoyable and effective as possible.

The Organisation

When going to a flashmob, the mobbers would have received some simple instructions by email sent out the night before or that morning to inform them where they need to be, and at what time. Also usually another instruction is given, to locate an individual who will pass onto them via a slip of paper the next set of instructions which would contain all the info they need to know for what is required of them at that particular flashmob. The instruction given for locating them could be something as simple as looking in a certain area for a person (male or female) wearing a white pair of pants and a green hat or perhaps even carrying a certain book. The first given instruction may not actually contain the information a mobber would expect; it could be yet another instruction to locate yet another person who has the information they actually need.

The Mob

To successfully pull off a FlashMob just right, the mobbers need to learn the subtle art of blending in with the rest of the general public. Now this might not sound like a big deal, but it's pretty important and a very vital part of any attempt at a mob. We've all seen those cornball movies where actors are trying to be inconspicuous but end up doing exactly the opposite (scarf, dark glasses.. you get the general idea) That's not the kind of "Act casual" effect we're aiming for.

Basically, at sometime during the FlashMob you will find yourself in a situation where for a short duration you will be gathered in an area about to go into the main part of the Flash Mobbing itself (the act) It's at this time that you may be in close proximity with other fellow mobbers and the following will help you "keep your cool", so to speak:

- When you're waiting in the area where the act is about to take place, act as you normally would.

It really is that simple. If you're sitting, sit as you normally would do in any other given situation where you are sitting in a public place. Standing ? Yep, you got it. Same deal.

- Conversing with other mobbers/friends/strangers

Now this is a bit of a grey area really. I mean, it would be pretty stupid to try and encourage people NOT to talk with friends in a public place. After all, that's what you would normally do, right ? As for strangers, well if someone asks you the time, do what you would normally do (long as that isn't punch them in the face) Talk about anything - just don't start up a conversation about Flash Mobbing. Common sense really. If you are having a conversation try not to be too distracted from watching the clock.

- Attempt to not "mob" too early

What this means is try to make room between yourself and other mobbers. Seeing a group of people who are supposed to be strangers (well.. ok for the record most of you WILL be strangers, but you get what I mean) bunched up together will perhaps give a passerby the impression that you and the people standing near on top of you are a mob of friends. This is something we all want to avoid at all costs. So if you are with a bunch of friends, do separate away from each other as much as possible. It certainly won't ruin the mobbing experience for you, and you all can get together afterwards and give each other your own personal account of what you saw from where you were when the act and eventual disperse happened.

- Converge to the area from random directions

This one ought to be pretty obvious already. Seeing people heading up a public street in mass looks like a crowd of people not only who most probably know each other personally, but also look to be headed somewhere with a purpose. That's a big no no right there. What you would need to do is plan from which direction you will be coming from to reach the area and also observe how many people seem to be heading in the direction as well. If there already appears to be people taking the same route, take a few extra twists and turns. Also put some distance between yourself and others. But remember to once again keep an eye on the clock. Time is of the essence.

- Don't arrive too early and don't arrive too late

This is probably the most important thing to remember. For the flashmob to have the best impact, It's all a matter of timing. The instructions will have specific time or action cues to make sure everyone in the mob acts as one.

The Disperse

From the accounts of anyone that has participated in a FlashMob, its the actual end of the whole planned act that really leaves the impact on both those involved and those watching. Witnessing a large group of complete strangers suddenly come together and perform a pre-written instruction in itself is impressive enough, but seeing those same people suddenly leave the area in totally random directions acting like nothing actually took place is where the real fun begins. Heres some guidelines for the disperse:

- If you are attending a mob with either a partner or a large group of friends, organize to meet at a designated spot after the act has taken place. Preferably this spot should be far enough away so that people who have just witnessed the event don't put 2 and 2 together.

- When the act is over, disperse from the area at the allocated cue (this could be be some action or at a certain time) outlined in the instructions handed to you by the organizer. Choose a direction and leave *alone*. This cannot be stressed enough.

- Try and not converse with anyone when you are leaving the area, fellow mobbers and especially spectators. If someone really wants to ask what happened, shrug and deny any knowledge. What just took place didn't actually take place at all.

- There has been reports at some mobs that participants have suddenly gone into a round of applause at the end of the act just before the disperse happens. This is a big no no as it will alert the general public to the fact that this was an actual planned activity and that we all probably know each other.

- When the disperse happens, leave the area in a calm and sensible manner. When you have a group of people which could reach over 100 it's never a good idea to initiate a mass stampede, the threat of injury happening is quite real.

- Leave nothing behind but the lasting effect on the minds of your fellow mobbers and the witnessing general public.

All in all, most of those points should be pretty easy to understand and in practice will become second nature. Hopefully no one will be interpreting these as "rules" that will be enforced upon people by scary burly men with no necks. No, not all. These are simply more guidelines for people to follow so their flashmob experience will be a good one.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The First Adelaide Flash Mob

The very first Mob to be undertaken by our group has been decided and it looks like its going to be great fun. This first mob is going to be a simple concept which isn't very physical so everyone is able to join in. We encourage you to bring along friends to make this event even better.

Mob Details: (these details are approximate to avoid the general public knowing ahead of time what the mob will be. More specific instructions will be emailed out the day before the event.)
Location: Adelaide CBD
Time: Between 11am and 12:30 pm
Date: Saturday, Oct 20th, 2007

If you are interested in attending then you MUST email us at adelflashmob@hotmail.com to let us know and advise us how many guests you will be bringing, if any. The day before the event, instructions will be sent out only to those who have emailed us.

We are organising people to film the mob, if you don't want to participate but would like to lend a hand with filming/ photography/ documentation then please email us with 'Ken' in the subject line and let us know how you can help out.

Hope to see you all there!

Adelaide Flash Mob