Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Email- to recruit friends

Note: this is an email that you can send to friends to recruit them for 'The Adelaide Flash Mob.' Flash Mob's work much better with a lot of people, we are hoping to get as many interested people as possible so please invite as many friends as possible on facebook and send this email to those friends who don't have facebook. However, we do not support the 'spamming' so please don't send such an email to people you don't know or people you know won't by interested. Thanks



You are receiving this email because a friend thought you might be interested in a new social activity known as as 'Flash Mob.' Wikipedia defines a flash mob as 'a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, then quickly disperse.' Basically it is an extremely random activity organised over the internet for generating fun in the ultimate 'inside joke' and bewildering innocent bystanders.

Now, the bad news is that flash mobbing has spread everywhere around the world, except Adelaide, and has resulted in many mobs taking place and many people, except Adelaidians, being involved and having fun. The good news is that a group has now started up in Adelaide and is looking for members. If you are on flashBook you can join us by searching 'Adelaide Flash Mob,' or following this link. If you don't have faceBook then please visit this website and add yourself to our mailing list.

Before you go, please send this email to all the Adelaidians that you know.

See you at the next mob

Adelaide Flash Mob

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